Saturday, January 16, 2010

Waiting for the Word

I was sick yesterday: stomach pains, achey joints, fatigue. Needless to say, I didn't get much done in regards to writing. I spent a lot of time sitting on the couch, or in the bed, watching movies and reading twitter updates from agents who are seeming to be having way too much fun if you ask me. Just joking--I like that they're having fun. It means they are happy, jolly people who won't be thrashing at my manuscript in crazed madness if I ever send it out again. I'm still waiting to hear from an agent who requested a full over a month ago. Agency standards are to wait three months until checking-in. That's a long time to wait, but I'm not alone in this waiting game, so I'll deal. In the meantime, I am going to set up a web-site for the book, and continue writing the sequel.

Since my brain isn't in full working order, I will stop at this and wish everyone a happy week-end with tons of great writing.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better very soon and I thank you for the fond wishes even if I'm not writing. I've been feeling out of sorts but hopefully your lovely wishes will reach me and I'll get my pace back.
    Warmest regards,


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