Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Ewwwww, I'm sick. I hate being sick. Just your average cold, but still . . . I hate it. Yesterday, upon feeling it coming on, I took a few too many chewable vitamin Cs, and my stomach hurt like heck last night. Apparently, you can take too many of those things. Wish I'd known.

But anyway, I'm still up early and ready to write. I hope everyone has a good writing day, with tons of blessings thrown in. Let the sun shine!


  1. egads .. I gave my oldest a handful of vitamin C's this am because she had a cold coming on. Drat, now I'm worried she'll have a belly ache at school. How much is too much?

    oh well.. hope you are on the mend soon. I'm hoping to get some good writing in today as well :D

  2. She's probably fine. I drank an Emergen-c with the chewables, so that might be what threw me over the edge.

  3. Hope you're feeling better by the days end Amy, Thank you for writing.

  4. I hope you feel better too. I'm impressed your writing while ill.

  5. Oh no! Hope you're feeling better!!!!

  6. Thanks, you gals! I'm feeling better today.

  7. I'm sorry you are not feeling well and hope you feel better very soon.
    Oh and I LOVE that you are still writing.
    Feel better my dear.
    Warm regards,


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