Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I remember when I was eighteen and at a crux in my life; exploding with something I couldn't quite speak; slipping into humanity and about to drop dreams like pebbles—I did a U-turn and died my hair black (long hair too, took a lot of dye), and let it all go. People started to see me as a sort of exposition, "Here comes that girl." I was goth before goth was really cool. The reason I tell you this is that as writers and artists, we go through different molting stages, and this was one of my first. I've had others, and am going through one now. It's messy, it hurts, but a person cannot stay in one state forever and to grow you must shed the excess and go for the raw. When you feel you are on your knees, and it's so uncomfortable you want to die, click it in your brain that it is all happening for a reason. Stay on your knees. Let the skin of society shed; all its expectations; its judgement; its phrases and phases; its food; its greed—let it all go. Hold on to the important things but let the rest go.


  1. Wow Amy this post was amazing and honestly what I needed, right now I'm going through a very difficult time and your last sentence moved me. "Hold on to the important things but let the rest go" I need to have that be my mantra because letting go is the hardest thing to do!

    Great post!! Love the picture!

  2. I'll give it a try, Amy! Growing pains never stop, eh? Good thing too.

  3. They only cease if you ignore them or suffocate them or sedate yourself from them. But they're always waiting.

  4. Bad times... they suck. Thank you for this post. I really needed to hear this. :)

  5. Great reminder, Amy - thank you. You are very wise!

  6. Eh, I'm just making use of all the metaphysical/philosophy books I've read. It finally came in handy!

  7. This is a lovely blog Amy - come to think of it of late, I spend a lot of time on my knees!

  8. Okay, I have a dirty mind so that totally went to the wrong place I think : )


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