Friday, July 9, 2010

Moving Along

I'm almost at 200 pages . . . overall. Haven't reached my goal of writing 100 just for this week alone, but again, it's a goal to strive for and really is helping me to push forward. I wish I could share all of it with you right now, but that would get old after awhile.

What are everyone's plans for the weekend? I plan on seeing Eclipse again, taking the kids to the park and the mall. Exercise, weed the garden, make apple pie. I'm reading a fun vampire romance which I never really do, but it was one of three different genres I grabbed at the library the other day. Kind of smutty really, I think I've lost where the plot is! But whatever, it's a good summer read.

I love this movie so much!! Can't remember if I've posted this before. Just humor me.

Okay, so have a good Friday! Remember, it's five o'clock somewhere!


  1. Yay for Eclipse! I really enjoyed it!!!!

    My weekend plans are simple, shopping for jewelry in a special discounted district, enjoying some lunch, swimming if it's nice and ending the evening with the hubs after his hard day of work!

  2. Spinal Tap Rock! You can put that clip on twenty times, Amy. We'd still love it.

    The weekend starts HERE. Bisou, Cro.

  3. I'm finally back home. Cro, why didn't these guys make another movie?! It's so funny!!

  4. 200 pages!? *passes out in jealousy/epic failure* Man, you are such a gunner! Enjoy Eclipse, it's Yeah, entertaining.

    PS. We should petition for Spinal Tap to make a sequel! X

  5. 200 pages. How wonderful. Hope you had a cooler Friday than my daughter and I had here in Virginia. And hope you have a good weekend.

  6. Seeing Eclipse again?? I think you're my kind of girl!! LOL. Have a great weekend!!

  7. Caitlin- I thought New Moon had some major problems, but I actually liked Eclipse. The only thing that really bugs me is the way Bella (Stewart) always has sot make every single kiss look freaking awkward. Just let someone kiss you dammit!

    Ann- Wow it really is hot out east. Time for some ice cream I think!

    Kim- I wish you, Jen and I could go together. OMG that would be a blast! We are in spirit I'm sure : )


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