Thursday, August 26, 2010

Busy Season

My little Julia is excited about fall coming, and has started to gather leaves from the backyard. They're mostly ones that fell off from the dry weather, but I didn't tell her that. Well anyway, she did that for a while yesterday afternoon, but by evening had started in on wintertime. She drew a series of pictures that featured snowbanks and frozen ponds with a garland of icicles that she cut out and hung over her Littlest Pet Shop house. She even drew out all the parts of a snowman: three different sized balls of snow, a carrot, coal eyes and mouth, stick arms. I asked her where the scarf was and she got busy drawing that as well. She then cut it all out and used tape to put it all together. There's a whole snow scene now, and Eve and Wall-e are inside nestled in their beds (kitchen towels that she swiped off the counter when I wasn't looking), with the hippo from Madagascar as an added guest off to the side.

It was fun listening to her playact last night as I wrote. Of course, now I have leaves and trails of paper everywhere.


  1. How sweet. She's ready for the change of seasons.

  2. She's just ignoring that stubborn August heat and having her own early Fall inside her head, lol. She's a lot like me in that way.

  3. Oh how fun! And precious. I can't wait for fall either!! :)

  4. Creativity hath no bounds!

    I send a bisou to you both, Cro.


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