Thursday, September 2, 2010

Annie Dillard

The other day I found a book that looked interesting and I started reading without any thought of commitment. I just wanted to see what it was about. What I discovered was the most beautiful prose that I have perhaps ever come across. Very descriptive passages all about nature, but so much more than that. Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek isn't a new book, but it is timeless. She recreates our world, sometimes seen as a mere landscape to our daily activities, into a place that is vivid and real; life abound in rivers and muskrats; forests and mountains. Sometimes it is too much, too beautiful, too descriptive and I can barely stand how perfect she is a writer; I'm so jealous of her talent! Though it's certainly something to work toward. I'll just keep reading, and keep learning.


  1. How do you find time, Amy. You're always reading, writing, blogging, worrying, looking after the kids, etc, etc.

    Are there more hours in the Saia day?

  2. I wish! I don't know why I try to do so much, though believe me, it doesn't feel like enough! I guess it's just my way to keep motivated. I get depressed when things are in limbo.

  3. Sometimes I can't keep reading books I'm so jealous! I need to put them down and get a grip on my myself!

  4. Amy I've just looked up 'Pilgrim at Tinker Creek' and the biography of Annie Dillard. I understand what you mean and it's a book I would very much like to read as well. Saying that I think that you write very well too. Molly x

  5. It's been a long time since I've read Dillard, but your post has brought back memories. Yes, what an amazing writer she is, her prose so beautiful one can hardly find words to describe it. Very philosophical.

  6. Talli- Yep. I know the feeling.

    Molly- Thanks Molly!

    Ann- Hi Ann! Yes, it's a real treat and with sections that leave me in awe.

    Have a great weekend!


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