Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Work work work . . .

Just busy working on another short story, part of my Woodsocket '79 project. I wanted to write a collection about a town using a voyeuristic viewpoint. Whoever I wrote about had to be picked apart in some way and their greatest insecurity, fear, held up and thrown at them. I also just wanted to have fun. After working day and night on the last book, through swine fu and everything, I just wanted to have some fun. And I am. I love the seventies, so this is great fun for me. Sometimes I feel like I've put my finger down on a map location and this whole story will come to me and then I get to go live it out on paper. Ned's Bed was sooo fun to write.

The unfortunate thing is, I can't share anymore of it with you guys until it's actually in magazine or book form. Why? Well, apparently when you post something on your blog it is considered published. Big bummer. I really liked sharing with you guys, but, you know . . . whatever. I'll get stuff published eventually and all the hard work will be worth it. I'm so thankful for all the nice comments that have helped me move forward!

What's everybody working on these days?


  1. I'm not working on anything! Woohoo! I'm off on vacation soon and enjoying the wind-down even if it does feel very weird. I might do a short story tomorrow, just because it feels so strange not to be writing!

  2. Amy. I do hope you'll be attending The Willow Ball; it wouldn't be the same without you. And, anyway, I can't wait to see who you'll bring! For more info', see.....


    This is NOT a Viagra selling site.. promise!

  3. Talli- sounds like fun! Enjoy that vacation!

    Cro- Thank you for the invite!

  4. Amy - best of luck with your story collection. Will you be able to publish it on your site after it's been in the magazine? Hope so! I never thought about writing on a blog site as publishing but come to think of it, yes you're right.

  5. I think so, Molly. And see, now I have to get published so I can show you guys my work! That's a great incentive!

  6. I've got too many things on the go right now, but thanks for the info that posting our writing is considered being published. While I thought that was the case, it's good to have that concern confirmed so I don't feel like I'm over-reacting. Best of luck with your story collection! :)

  7. Yer welcome DLCurran! And thank you. Best of luck to you as well!



There's been chatter online about the new documentary on Hulu called Brats led by 1980s teen heartthrob Andrew McCarthy. Centered around...