Friday, November 26, 2010

Talkin' Bout the Future

I'm seeing so many ads for the new e-book readers now that Christmas shopping season is here. So I have to ask, will you be getting one? I love real books, but then again, some of those gadgets look really nice. It would be great to read in bed without having to get up and turn the light on and off, etc.

But I do wonder . . . how many people are really going to read all the books they download? I can tell you from having worked at a library that only a certain portion of society people are habitual readers. The same folks would come in week to week, and the rest were there for reports, or to read something they heard about from a friend, or because they had a fancy to read after giving it up for awhile. And what were the most popular genres? Romance, thriller, sci-fi and western. I think these will be popular on the e-readers, with cook books, craft books, history, and travel guides coming in behind. ETA: Forgot to mention YA paranormal. I think I heard magazines will be available for download, which could be really cool. I know I am an information junkie and would absolutely love to have tons of historical non-fiction and art/photography books at my fingertips.

So, did you ask Santa for an e-reader? How do you feel about the whole thing?


  1. I think I still like books in book form Amy. I enjoy reading but it has to be one at a time and I have to finish one before starting another. I really enjoyed reading your book!

  2. You're done? That was fast! Thank you so much for reading it Molly! I agree, real books will always be better. I love them!

  3. I'd like a Kindle but don't know if it will happen this year or not. I want one purely for experimentation, I'm pretty certain it won't replace real books in my routine.

  4. I'll be waiting another year or so as well. Hey, at least that way we get to hear all the reviews on which one is best!

  5. Call me old-fashioned (which I am), but I really like the feel of a proper book; made from TREE.

  6. I have to agree with you Cro. There's nothing like a real book. I love the way they smell for one, and that can never be replaced by a bright, colorful digitized cover. A real book has a life to it almost. And above all that, it's fun to go to the bookstore and treasure hunt.

  7. I have a Sony eReader and I also read books using Kindle on my phone. That said, I do still go to the library and buy books. I think it's possible to find a happy middle ground.

  8. You're right Talli. That's a good way to look at it!

  9. E-readers. Some people swear by them. But I'm not sure I would ever want one. I like holding the book and going to the store to browse and buy. Maybe I'm just weird. :)

  10. You're definitely not weird! I feel the same way. Real books have much more appeal than an e-reader.

  11. I still like reading books. But I may have an iPad in my future. We'll see.


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