Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sunday Stew

Since it's a Sunday, and since my other post failed so miserably, I decided to post my favorite song of the moment: New Kid in Town by The Eagles. It says everything I want to say but can't since I'm all done tryin' to say anything.


  1. Correction: it's almost Sunday. This time machine jet lag is really messing with mind.

  2. One of my favourites too Amy. I'm an Eagles nut!

  3. Happy Sunday, Amy! :)

    I love this song, and the Eagles, too.

  4. Happy Sunday to both of you. Stay warm!

  5. I like the Eagles too, Amy. Hope you're having a good day xx

  6. I've been gone all day with family get-togethers. Fun, but I'm thoroughly tired! Here's to a Happy Monday for all of us Bloggers. Only a few more days until Christmas!


On Disney + 'Let it Be' is released once more for Beatles fans old and new

What’s there to say about the new release of the old ‘Let it Be’ originally directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg with enhancements by Peter Jack...