Monday, January 31, 2011

No, Snowstorm, No

Pitchapalooza happens tonight. So does a major snowstorm. I'll wait until the last minute to be sure, but the local weather forecasters are predicting anything upwards to 14 inches, blizzard conditions, ice, and tying everything up, a fabulous arctic blast. So . . . not looking good for me and this event thing.

It was a slim chance I'd get picked to read my pitch anyway, what with only twenty names being pulled out of a hat. But I wanted to go and meet people, hear others' ideas. This was the closest thing to a writer's conference we could get around here and I was going to utilize it! Oh well, if I had gotten picked, who knows how my pitch would go over. You can't control the weather, you can't control fate, and you can't control what other people like.

Hope everything is well for all my groovy friends. What are your plans for the day?


  1. We were all heading over to Kansas with snow ploughs, and shovels.

  2. Maybe the snow will come earlier and the roads will be cleared...or maybe it will come later in the night. I'm crossing my fingers it works out. I understand all to well that need for a good conference/connection/inspiration fix!

  3. Thanks you two! Well, there might actually be a lull in the weather tonight, so I might go to this thing after all. Cue my nerves. Yikes. Better get my pitch in shape.

  4. Hey, this should make you feel better. Nathan Bransford has asked his readers to list their favorite first paragraphs. You were somebody's number one.

  5. I saw that! How cool. Seriously. I ate a cookie and that hasn't helped me calm down yet.

  6. By the time I'm writing this,Amy I hope you've managed to get to Pitchapalooza and everything's going really well for you! Take care in the snow though, blizzard conditions and Arctic blasts don't sound good news. All the best xxx

  7. That's really sweet Molly! The library just called to say the presenters are stuck in New York with travel delays, and the event was cancelled. So, at least I don't have to worry about still trying. I was considering it. Hopefully they will reschedule soon!

  8. And just when you were (last week) saying, "Bring on the snow!" If you can make it, it may mean that there are many others who cannot... just a thought...

  9. Tom- Very true! That's why, when the weather people said there would be a lull in the storm tonight, I was going to go for it. But it got cancelled. I can't blame them for not wanting to get stuck in Kansas for a week, haha!

  10. Oh no! Hope the snow stays away and you get a chance to read your pitch. Good luck!


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