Saturday, February 19, 2011

Il Postino

I'm still revising and working on music, so I'll just post a scene from one of my favorite movies ever. If you haven't seen it yet, you need to. It's beautiful. Happy Saturday!


  1. That was nice. I hadn't seen it before! Are you bringing a new song out? Love Molly xxx

  2. I am. Though today I sang a few tracks on a fellow musician's song. It was nice getting out to do that sort of thing again. Hope you're feeling better. Love you xx

  3. It has the same feeling/atmosphere as the two French films 'Manon de Sources' and 'Jean de Florette'. Even the music was similar. My very favourite genre of film.

  4. The man who plays the postman died shortly after making the film. He never got to see it.

  5. I'll have to check those out Cro. Thanks for the tip.

    Tom, that's so sad. I just love him in this movie. He's so unaffected, and shy and beautifully meek. It's too bad he couldn't live on to do more films.

  6. Yes - maybe his sensitivity was to do with his frailty - who knows?

  7. Happy Presidents’ Pets Day - the day after Presidents' Day, as I like to call it. See my blog for a good ol' howl.

  8. This is also one of our favourite films. As a result of seeing it we went on holiday to the Aoelian Islands. They were selling capers all over the place. When we got back home and watched the film again we fell about laughing at the opening post office scene!


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