Sunday, April 10, 2011


Just thought I'd ask a question on this free Sunday. The picture shown is not mine, but I have the exact same print with a nicer frame. It's a Copuletti, whom I know nothing about. Any wisdom on this possession of mine: meanings, history?


  1. Sorry Amy, never heard of him but it reminds me a bit of De Chirico.

  2. The most important thing about paintings is that you like them (obviously).

    Having said that, I think your picture is a commercial venture, probably with a signature of someone who doesn't exist. These pictures are designed to be sold in huge numbers as prints.

    Amy, if I'm wrong I apologise. But I have a feeling....

  3. Well thanks anyway, Tom. There's not much on the internet either. Maybe this Copuletti was really a monkey in a room painting the same picture over and over.

  4. Cro- I think you're right. And it's okay. I didn't spend too much so no tears on my part.

  5. As long as a piece of art makes you happy when you see it, it really doesn't matter who or what produced it.

  6. Could be an image just about anywhere ... who is the painter. They probably painted something close to where they live.

  7. HI Stephen, the signature says Copuletti which I'm guessing is Italian. Hard to find any info on this guy. But I do like the picture and have always been curious. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I like its simplicity and I don't know the painter either. It is beautiful though. I also like your blog a lot.

  9. Well regardless of who the painter is, I like the picture!

  10. I found this on the internet about the picture. Not sure if it helps much.

  11. He existed and was a friend of Dali.

  12. oh boy, it really DOES matter who painted it and under which context. Just a word of caution for skeptics



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