Tuesday, April 5, 2011

D is for Dachshund

D is for Dachshund. Dachshunds are expressive, funny, smart, fiercely loyal, playful, protective, naughty . . . They love life and demand that others join in their enthusiasm. For instance, well, being a writer is not a good profession for a dachshund's human to have. It's so boooooring. Why would anyone want to sit around all day tapping at keys? I mean, there's a ball to catch, food to steal off the table, cats to run after, birds to snap at, squirrels to kill, and we gotta stay inside? WTF??

James Thurber had a dachshund. Napoleon had a dachshund. Queen Victoria had a whole bunch of us. Total domination. We haz long backs. We haz badger hunter power. We bark at anything that moves. We bark at doorbells, cows, clouds, flies, loud food wrappers, bubbles, slow walkin' whiny kids, policemen, firemen, mailmen, strange ladies with big dogs. We be crazy.


  1. I never knew dachshunde are so popular under famous people. I guess the equivalent of the 21st century is the chihuaua. (bad development, me says)

  2. My favourite breed. My sister and I gave a dachsie to my mom one year for mothers day. After she got over being mad at us she had to admit that Cleo was the best dog she had ever had. Everyone in the village knew Cleo.

  3. LOL :) I usually love to pet when others have dogs..but never dared to have one myself :)

    Following you from A-Z challenge!

  4. Nahno- Actually, we had a chihuahua when I was a kid. Sweet dog to us, but bit many a person outside the family. I guess I'm a sucker for crazy dogs!

    mybabyjohn- I love that. They do have a way of being known, don't they?

    Ju- Thanks for joining!

  5. Not my tasse de thé I'm afraid. I like something more rustic and mischievious; a good mélange of medium sized mutts!

    And I end up with a Lab'....

  6. I love Labs too, they have huge personalities.

  7. I have a dachshund/Jack Russel Terrier mix. Talk about high energy!
    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  8. Hah! I hope this does not offend anyone dachshund lovers, but my aunt/uncle owned one. That dog would bite anyone...including me at age three. Yeah, that's my view of those dogs. Sorry. A very informative post, though. (Ooh, I really am a dog lover.)

  9. I didn't know Queen Victoria used to keep daschunds either! Well written!

  10. Weiner dogs! I love this post. I've always been interested in different breeds.

  11. lol, so cute. Little balls of endless energy.

  12. Sweet. I am also a bit of an British history buff and an artist. GO team A-Z blogging!

  13. Thanks for visiting everyone. I appreciate it!

  14. "We be crazy" - love it :)

    Great Challenge entry! It’s interesting to see how many different things people have come up with for the letter D.



  15. Hi, Nice to meet you through the A-Z challenge :) Hope to see you around! :)


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