Thursday, April 7, 2011

F is for Friendship

F is for Friendship. And what a wonderful example I have with all you dear folks stopping by and leaving great comments. An artistic endeavor can become quite a lone process sometimes, we give so much to our fictional existence and the real one suffers. But you need real friends to make it in this world. So thank you very, very much for all the support. It hasn't gone unnoticed!

Here's a toast to friendship!


  1. Here's to you too Amy! You brighten my day! xxxxx

  2. Thanks Molly, for the friendship, advice and encouragement. It means a lot to me x x x x

  3. i love this post.. short and sweet:) a follower

  4. Ruthie- Thanks for stopping by!

    Starting Over- Cheers!

  5. AW - Friendship - where would we be without it?

  6. I love getting together with my friends for a glass of wine or a stiff drink. I don't do it nearly as much as I should... so I try and cherish each time I get to see them. Cheers.

  7. Cheers Sweetie! May all your friendships last forever.

  8. Margo- It's a beautiful thing : D

    Austin- I need to as well. I guess we're all writing, haha.

    Cro- Cheers to you, dear friend! xxx

    MCR- Cheers! *clink*

  9. Sure, I'll drink to that! And I am now a follower of your blog.

    Hope you are enjoying this Challenge.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge


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