Friday, April 1, 2011

A is for Actress

A is for actress. The ultimate movie star, Great Garbo. I used to obsess over her quite a bit, as she was the highest level of glamour, of style, of sophistication. She was tall, I'm tall. She had a husky voice, I can get kinda husky. She was strange, elusive, hard to pin down. I'm . . . strange.

I was thinking how as we get older, as women, we should look an ideal for ourselves. So I look to Greta as my aging idol. If I see a wrinkle I think, so what, Greta got wrinkles and she was f*cking Greta Garbo. If my breasts aren't as perfect as an eighteen-year-olds (though they're pretty damn perfect—to me, at least) I think, Greta never had implants, she didn't need 'em, she was f*cking Greta Garbo. If a man gets cruel, if the world starts caving in, if the ground shakes a little, I think Greta went through all this too. I can make it.

So yeah, that's my report on the letter A. This is like Sesame Street.


  1. Well Gretas not going to work for me...I'm short and chubby and strange with a set of lungs on me that could wake the dead if required....hmmm...maybe "the penguin"?

    Great start to A to Z

  2. Uh, how about, Sally Fields? She's not a tall'un. Sorry about the lungs.

  3. I'm short, but enjoyed your posts(can't wait to see G) and what else you have planned~ Nice to meet you~ She was gorgeous

  4. May I add another few 'Greats' to your Actress list. Grace Kelly, Maureen O'Hara, Audrey Hepburn, and (to be kind as she's just died) why not Lizzie Taylor.

    Why is Ella so keen to get to G. Girlies, Gangsters, G Strings (guitar)?

  5. looking forward to seeing more of your letters. Greta was definately a looker!

  6. Great A word! Greta rocks. Glad you like your breasts! :)

  7. Greata is a great choice.

    A-Z Fellow Challenger
    Holly Ruggiero’sPOV

  8. Even people who were not around when Greta Garbo was, know her name. That is quite a legacy. I think it was the mystery around her that made her so famous.

  9. she was great and din't need anything - a great person to model your aging on - wish i wasn't short and fat I could join you!!!!

  10. This is now my new fave post for "A". Simply "A" classic!

  11. Looking across at your photo, Amy you do actually look quite a lot like Greta Garbo as she used to. And you can sing. And you can write ...... xx

  12. She was elusive, and beautiful, and a classic. But I think I like Grace Kelly even better. Like you, Amy, I've obsessed over many a classic actress in my life. I think they're all great.

  13. i really need to watch more classics. Greta is a Great beauty. :)happy blogging!


  14. cool, Greta.
    Very personal entry, but I like it.

  15. Beautiful post, I admire her too. Here is to kicking off the April challenge. Nice to meet you.

  16. Wow, I can definitely see how you can liken yourself to Greta. Great entry for the letter A!

  17. LOL! I can see the Sesame Street analogy. It kinda is. Now I have that song stuck in my head, "One of these things does not belong with the other."

  18. Great post--lovely picture of Greta. Good luck with challenge!

  19. You know, I've heard of her all my life...and I've never seen one of her movies!

  20. She was stunning. I think you picked a wonderful rolemodel.


  21. My fave as a girl was Barbara Streisand - back when she was still willing to be funny. I used her to make myself stand tall (I'm nearly 6') and know that you can be funny and glam.
    Jan Morrison

  22. Thank you all so very much for the lovely comments!!



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