Tuesday, April 12, 2011

J is for Julia

My darling girl. When she was little she was trapped inside herself and needed help getting out. Diet change was the first thing that set her free. Getting her special help at preschool and speech therapy helped, and now she's doing quite well thanks to targeted studies in kindergarten. I've seen her schoolwork improve these last few weeks, and she's also more aware of her feelings. That's the hardest thing for a kid with a sensory disorder, they are so stuck in their own head that everything else is overwhelming. She's gotten so much better dealing with all outside stimulation like unwanted conversation, hugs, etc. When she was little she would never say she loved me, and it hurt, believe me, it hurt. When I saw other kids hugging their moms and saying they loved them, well, it was depressing. I feel like those years I was almost in a dead state. Writing helped me open up again, it brought me joy. And now my little girl tells me she loves me all the time. She's free. I'm free. Julia is a good lesson to us all: work hard and good things happen. Time heals. Love prevails.

I love you Julia.


  1. My poor old cat died the other week and Julia was devastated, cried for two days. I keep talking to her, helping her get over the pain, and I said, "You have a gift. You can draw our kitty and she will be alive forever in your drawing. It's a beautiful gift that you have Julia, and you are a great artist." She looked up at me and reached for my arm, because that meant a lot to her. And it's true, Julia is so talented. She has a real gift.

  2. What a beautiful little girl, and what beautiful hair. She has a great look in her eyes, and no doubt has a creative streak. Creative children tend to be insular when young. It'll pass.

    Sorry about the cat. I suppose she'd known it all her life. A constant that's no longer constant!

  3. What a sweet little girl...so much life in those eyes.

  4. She's gorgeous. I see joy in her eyes.

  5. Thanks everyone for the sweet words.

  6. Julia is such a precious and beautiful and talented little girl. Thank you for sharing such a poignant post Amy xx

  7. You have found the key and unlocked your daughter from herself. Julia is such a precious looking child and with your help, she will grow to be a talented, loving person.

  8. Much appreciated Starting Over : )

  9. Wow. Your patience and persistence is well worth the effort.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  10. Lovely post and lovely daughter you have!

  11. She's a beautiful girl, and I hope she enjoys art as much as you do. :)

  12. All these comments are so sweet and much appreciated! xxxx



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