Thursday, April 14, 2011

L is for Liam

My other baby. He's rough and rowdy, but very cuddly. He loves to dance, loves to run around, loves to play with Henry the dachshund. He makes me laugh. His new favorite thing is to play video games, and though I've lamented whether he could be doing better things with his time, once I saw the way it improved his confidence, I dropped all complaints. I think boys these days are programmed to love that type of sensory activity. Not sure, but he and his cousin seem to be happier because of it.

Lately he has been struggling over his sentences, "Li-Li-Li-Li-Li-Li-Liam wants to go outside and swing!" Yes, he speaks about himself in third person, haha. I just wait the stuttering out because I know he's excited and tripping over the words. He'll get it. Some things take time.

I love what he said the other day; kids are like little Platos sometimes: "Ice cream is tasty to eat!" So simple and yet so true.


  1. Of course L is for Liam. None of us would have it any other way!

  2. What a sweetheart....and smart too.

  3. Yep. He managed to con two Good Humor ice cream bars outta me last night, haha.

  4. Boys are magnets to video games. My son was hooked when they first came out and even now when he is getting close to middle age, he is still buying all new system that comes along. He gets most of them for his son (or so he says) who also can't put them down. My girls were never really into them, probably because he would never let them play with his toys.

  5. Starting Over- My nephew has a Playstation 3 now and he plays a game called Halo ALL THE TIME. He's such a nice guy though, I think he plays it more because he likes the world and the community (you get to connect with other players online) and not the whole kill and shoot thing. He's in Boy Scouts too, and plays basketball, but really, if he didn't have his games I don't know what he would talk about. And so, for Liam, I think he's the same way. He lives now to play games because he's really good at it. I will sometimes get into something, like Sims—I like those kind of real-life games—but I have no interest in the action ones. They bore me to tears.

  6. What a sweetheart! So lovable and outgoing. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures! And Liam is a great name, one of my favorites.
    Ann Carbine Best’s Long Journey Home

  7. The one and only! He's a little sweetheart!

  8. I thought it was only your own children who were supposed to be impossibly cute? How come all you bloggers with kids have ones as nice as your little fellow, Amy?

  9. Awe, what a sweet post. Insightful; Ice cream is tasty to eat!

  10. I really liked your work in Della Donna - beautiful and simple. Lx

  11. Thank you for the comments everyone!

    Laura- Thank you! Glad you liked it.


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