Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And on the Agenda for Today . . .

To extend my boringness, I'll post two really really boring videos. The first one is a bee that caught my attention when I was out in the garden. His wings were so loud I just had to grab the camera and follow him in pursuit of clover. And the other is a loud, barking Henry, enjoying life in the tall grass.

But this news isn't boring at all: Ann Carbine Best just had a book release yesterday for her memoir, In the Mirror. She's extremely talented, and a lovely, lovely person. Congratulations Ann!! Go here to read a spectacular review of the book on Ann's blog.


  1. I love the bee! And a big congrats to Ann!

  2. I think Monty has a new best friend.... he got so excited over Henry's barking. I wonder what they were saying to each other?

  3. Probably something like, "Do you want to play?!!" "Yeah!" "Okay! Come over here!" "Where do you live?!" "In Kansas!" "Oh dammit!" "No! It's okay! Just steal some money from Cro and buy a plane ticket! Hurry!" "I'm on my way!"

  4. Henry definitely has something to say. Need to get him his own blog.

  5. They were not boring clips, Amy! I loved them!

  6. I don't know how I missed this back then, Amy. But I did. But I'm here now to thank you.

    Those photos are far from boring. And to think you posted my cover beneath such eye-catching images. It's a startling juxtaposition, and very effective. You're a sweetheart!
    Ann Best, Memoir Author



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