Saturday, May 14, 2011

'Enary the eighth I-yam-I-yam . . .

Here's a picture of my Henry. It's probably illegal how cute he is. He's a good boy too. Hates squirrels. Loves me.


  1. He is gorgeous and I have a feeling he knows it.

  2. Cutie....cutie.... cutie; does he have legs as well?

  3. Is he a little wiener dog (Dachshund)? It looks like he likes to pose.

  4. Yes he has legs, and yes he's a dachshund. But in this pic he looks like a blob of sweetness. I should show you the one where he's stealing eggs from Liam's easter basket.

  5. Amy, you've got me singing along! I've got to say he's a lovely little Ennery so he is!

  6. awwww so cute. i love dogs =]


  7. Yes, he's the cutest thing - but I'll guess that it's a different picture when he's chasing squirrels! (I've got one at home like that, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth Maisie, who goes berserk if a squirrel or pigeon come into the garden.)


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