Monday, May 2, 2011

In Retrospect . . .

The most impressive thing about the AtoZ challenge was just how many bloggers visited, commented, and how positive everyone was. Some blogs were funny, some were informative. You know I joked around yesterday about how hard the challenge was, but actually it wasn't that bad. Knowing I had a certain letter to topic each day was a nice excursion from having to randomly pick a subject as usual. And I learned so much from each person. Thanks for that. And thank you to Arlee who started the challenge!


  1. Yes, it was good to be forced to think "outside the box".

  2. I enjoyed reading both yours and MBJ's very much. It was fun to see what you could come up with.

  3. Personally I'm glad it's all over; too restricting. I look forward to reading the good ole Saia we all previously knew and loved!!

  4. I know what you mean, it did feel like I'd turned my back on my closest friends here with the challenge. Tomorrow: gig talk.

  5. Adding: the good news is I made some great new friends ^^ and that's always good.

  6. I think I agree with Cro's comment - I look forward to reading the good ole Saia we still know and love. The challenge was good though to see different perspectives of what everybody came up with. Well done x


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