Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Day at the Patch

The other day Liam's class had a trip to a local pumpkin patch. I went to meet them there, as I did with Julia when her class went in the past. It was a dry, dusty day in Kansas, but really beautiful with all the leaves having changed from vibrant green to orange and red and yellow. Liam was excited to see me, he pointed and said, "My mommy! My mommy is here! Look, it's my mommy!" You'd think he doesn't see me every other second of his life, haha.

Next, we rode on a tractor to the little pumpkin patch meant for special school trips like this. The kids ran out and picked their one pumpkin, then it was time for slides and running and having fun.

When it was time to go, Liam's teacher told me he could ride the bus back to school, or I could take him home myself. I said I'd like to take him home. So we got in the van and I handed him a packet of foil covered gingerbread cookies (he LOVES). He devoured those cookies. I heard him in the backseat saying, "Wow! Thanks Mom. These are deliscious. I love these." Something about that just tickled me. He'd had such a good time, and was enjoying homemade cookies perfect for a day at the pumpkin patch. He'll probably remember it his entire life.

Now, why didn't I bring my stupid camera?


  1. Also, Happy Birthday to John Lennon and Happy Wedding Day to Paul!

  2. Another Kodak moment lost...but maybe it's could never have captured the rainbow in his heart.

  3. How often do we forget that camera! However, the picture of Liam having fun in the pumpkin patch will always be in your heart.

  4. I'm trying to get better with the camera and making sure to capture moments I normally would miss!! I went to the Renaissance Festival and this round took pictures!!!

  5. Days like that should be pressed into an old book, along with 4 leaf clovers and love letters.

  6. Amy - I think Cro has said, just what I'm thinking too. That was such a lovely post to read xxxxxx

  7. Don't need photos to remember days like these. They do stay with you forever.

  8. Yes, it was one of those days that I will remember forever. It's always nice to see Liam or Julia so happy. Makes me happy too!


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