Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another tricky day

Julia had a bad cavity which had to be pulled out yesterday. It was a baby tooth that hadn't come loose yet, but still . . . I took her to a dentist this summer to have the cavity looked at but they refused to do service because she kept putting her hands up to block her mouth. I told them she had a sensory disorder but they said they wouldn't work on her. It really depressed me. I mean, what the hell do you do for your kid when someone won't help them? If you know Julia, then you know she wasn't in there biting people and swatting at them. She was just putting her hands up in protest. They could have asked me to come in and help calm her down.

Anyway, Halloween did her no favors and that cavity became worse this last week. I searched the internet in a panic trying to get someone who would help and found a children's dentist who said he'd see her. He was great. Calm and kind.

So anyway, that's all fixed now, though the whole thing has depressed me. Being a mom is soul-destroying sometimes, ain't it?

The good news is my writing block has eased off a bit and I'm slowly writing again. It's been since August! Maybe I lost the joy. Not sure, but thank god it's coming back. I need to write to save me from myself. If you haven't noticed, I can be a real debbie downer. It ain't fun.


  1. Our daughter has the same problem with the wee man....no one would look at him here so she had to book him an appointment at Sick Kids Hospital for their dental team to have a look at his teeth. Infuriating. No one wants to put any effort into anything.

  2. It's so frustrating! I actually had to do what you've described with my son when he was about two years old. Three thousand dollars later . . . It was worth it, but it does make a person hesitant to see the dentist. Oh, the pain and worry. If only things could be so much easier, and if only--like you said--people put in the right effort into what they are doing so things can work out and have a positive outcome.

  3. What kind of lame dentist was that??? Glad you found one that specializes in children. Geesh!

  4. No wonder people hate to go to dentists. I think it all goes back to their childhood.

    I have been seeing "children's" dentist practices sprouting up all over in the past few years. This is a very good thing as children need professionals that are trained to understand their fears and needs.

  5. Poor Julia. I had a very bad experience as a child at the dentist, and it's affected me ever since. You say they could have called you in to help calm her....I'm amazed they would even see a child without the mother (or father) being present. I do hope Julia came away with good dental vibes.

  6. Kids need a good tooth doc or the whole experience is viewed with dread 'forever'. Sound like your perseverance has paid off with a good, child-friendly calming one.

    Glad you're writing again Debbie lolxx

    Keep 'em coming...



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