Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Good-bye light and good weather

Day three, and the rain has momentarily stopped, but there's more to come. Oh well, it's good for the garden and all those spring flowers. But I wouldn't mind a bit of sun, no I wouldn't. The kids had Spring Break last week, and they had the best weather for it. Every day was 70 degrees or higher. Perfect, perfect weather. We played on the swings, drew with sidewalk chalk, kept the windows open, rode bikes. Ah, the good old days. But now rain. Oh, well . . .  at least it's not snow. We didn't have any this year, but believe me, I don't want any now. It's too late to come around!

It was hard getting the kids back into school mode. Julia was sort of glum about it. She likes school, but  lately she's been asking if it's the weekend yet, and when it's the weekend, she asks if it's still Saturday. Today she was slow to get on the bus and I had to sort of nudge her along; her face was so sad looking out the window. I usually get a handful of kisses blown my way, but not today : (

Henry the dachshund and I have a routine of taking a walk every day, but with this rain there's been only a few short, soggy walks. He lies around with a pathetic, guilt-inducing expression, and sighs a lot. I think he left all his toys out in the rain, that might explain it. And he's too depressed to go out and rescue them from another deluge. If you know dachshunds then you understand the desperation which has plagued his life. He won't accept treats, and he barely eats. All because it's raining. I might go out a save a squeaky ball for him this afternoon. That should cheer him up.

Someone needs to save us from this cloud!Send a raft! A ray of light. Some chocolate. I'll take anything.


  1. Into every life, a little rain must fall...

    I do hope J is OK; have you made sure she's not having problems with another girl (or girls).

    1. I'll ask her about that. One thing that's becoming apparent, and which I never thought I'd see in her, is she is quite shy. Being home, being with things and people she loves, that's what she tends toward. So I imagine going to school is a bit of a drag at times. Last week she was in a really good mood. But again, I'll have a talk with her to see if it's anything else.

  2. The sun will shine again and by the time your little one gets home she will be cheerful again and happy to be back to school. Teachers know what that first day back is like...they'll find a way to make it fun.

  3. Chocolate sounds good. I say, go for the chocolate!

  4. The rain does bring the drearies, doesn't it. I can definitely relate to Henry as too many days without sunshine and all my toys being outside, brings me down also.

    I feel for Julia and hope that next week will be better for her. If not, do find out from her teacher if anything is going on that could be making her unhappy. Like Cro, I remember an incident that you wrote about last year and I hope that is not reocurring.

    Take care; the rain shall pass (and move east to my way), and the sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, it is only a day away - or something like that.

  5. Hope you get lots of sunshine and chocolates tomorrow Amy, then you won't need the raft after all. Give Julia a big hug from me - I used to hate going to school when I was her age.

  6. It's actually crazily sunny in London these past few days. :) I'll send some your way.


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