Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy Things

I have a few favorite things that I'd like to share with you, so that your life will be a crapload better than it already is. Of course, you may not like these things at all. And for that, I pity you, I really do. Here they are:

Fruit Roll-ups have put out a natural-ish product that has real fruit, kind of like they way they used to be. They're really good. When I was a kid these things always hit the spot, along with a Jello Pudding Pop (heyheyhey) and some Lemon Coolers. You remember those cookies? I wish they would come around again too, but alas, it doesn't look like it'll happen.

Nordic Naturals strawberry flavored cod liver oil. I know, sounds absolutely gross, but I love this stuff. A teaspoon or two every day makes my brain work much more efficiently. I can really tell the difference.

A McDonald's hazelnut cappuccino. I shouldn't like these things, but I do.

Carrots. Yep. Just good ole plain carrots.

Emergen-C, acai berry. When I need some extra energy, or I'm starting to feel a cold coming on, I drink one or two of these and feel better in a snap. The powdery flavor took a bit of getting used to, but now I love them. My kids do too.

Brown sugar. It makes cookies so much softer. White sugar is not only bad for you, but will dry out your confections and make them crispy. Don't worry about it making your cookies darker, it's worth it.

Vinegar. Another way to soften confections. The flavor cooks out and you end up with a richer dough.

Red Cider Vinegar. Drink a little bit diluted with water every day and it will help break down your cholesterol and improve your skin.

Sugar and baking soda scrub. This is what you can use your white sugar for. Add two tablespoons of each in a small container with a little bit of water, and scrub your face (or hands) gently in the shower a couple times a week. Just watch those dead skin cells slough away! Don't add the water until you're in the shower or the sugar will dissolve too fast. Many people think that those apricot scrubs from the store are good for their skin, but they can scratch and scar.

Real books. I have books everywhere. Oh boy how I have tried to enjoy reading on an e-reader, but I love the feel and smell of a real book. They're my friends. Really.

Dr. Pepper. I want one now.

Laverne & Shirley. Every night. Every, single, night.

Libraries, especially in the summertime.

Driving at night with the windows open.

My kids.

And so much more that I can't even list it all. What are your favorite things?


  1. All good things....I think we should all make a list of our happy things just for those days when we need a reminder.

  2. Hey Amy! Thanks for stopping by the blog today!
    I have to say, my kids definitely rank under "favorite things" for sure...although, I wish I could count my kids leaving me alone while I'm in the bathroom, under my favorite things as well..LOL.
    I'm sorry you heard about the library program too late, but, as yesterday's session was pretty successful, we might be doing a few more sessions over the summer. I'll give you a shout-out if they settle on some more dates!

    1. Glad to see you here Paige. I'd love to know when you do another class. Definitely put me on the list!

  3. Got lots of things which make me happy too.My current favourite one is going to the dentist three times in a row for check ups and not having to have any treatment.

    1. Hmm, going to the dentist doesn't sound very likable, but the fact that you're cavity free is very good!

  4. I am a simple man, so discovering and visiting a great blog like this does it for me. That, and writing a good story or quote ... and of course, Jan.

    1. I love a good story too. Thanks for the nice words, Jackie : )

  5. Having you on my 'dashboard' does it for me. And the Cider Vinegar is important too.

  6. With you on all those favourite things Amy except for:

    Vinegar - clawing my tongue out just thinking about it
    Laverne & Shirley - Who?
    Your kids - inappropriate!

    Love brown sugar though - how come it tastes sooo good?

    1. Hmmm, my kids aren't things, but I will always put them on my list of anything beautiful and loved.

      I can totally understand you not liking the vinegar. But it is good for you!

  7. You're making my mouth water!! And I love the night-driving too, or just sitting at the window at night.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

    1. Nothing better than an open window at night with crickets chirping outside!


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