Monday, March 26, 2012

My Duo

Here's my Julia with all the lilacs we picked yesterday from the back yard. And another with Liam. They're both being sooooo cool.

My sweet girl. 
Liam is standing on a stool so he can be tall like Egon from Ghostbusters. Have I told you how much he makes me play that game with him? I haven't? Well, just know that it's a lot. 


  1. What nice children you have Amy, and aren't you lucky to have the Lilac out so soon.

    Now I've got the Ghostbusters theme tune in my head!

  2. Like Mr. Magnon, I now have the Ghostbusters theme song in my head. Too,I have a desire to watch a Bill Murray movie.

    Hey, if you don't play with Liam, who's he gonna call?

    1. I have first ranking in the Ghostbuster department.

  3. Great pair of things - I mean kids! ;-)

    They have their mom's good looks (lucky).

    Great to have those lilacs out in the backyard.

    1. Aw, thanks. I can't believe how fast the lilacs grew this year. We didn't have much of a winter, but it's still surprising to see everything leafed and blossomed out already.

  4. How is it that every blogger has impossibly cute kids? They all must be photoshopped.

    1. I swear I didn't! But I will when they have zits.

  5. Beautiful babies Amy....there's nothing strange in your neighbourhood. Well, maybe photoshop guy.

  6. Your children look so much like you, which is, of course, beautiful.

    Although spring is one month early here and most trees are in bloom, there is not a lilac to be seen. I do love that smell.

  7. Your photos make me miss my kids being kids, backyard camp fires and all ... Beautiful lilacs!

  8. Brilliant photos Amy. I thought gosh Liam's grown from the last photo when he had his birthday, then I read - he's standing on a chair:0) Lovely, both of them!

    1. That's sweet of you to say, Molly! But you're right, Liam has grown a lot since his birthday.

  9. Amy, you've got beautiful children! Kudos for you and your husband, they are both lovely!


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