Friday, March 23, 2012

Shy Writers vs Social Writers

How many of you are going to see The Hunger Games this weekend? I won't be just yet, but it won't be long. I heard something about the author Suzanne Collins that I found interesting: she's not really into all the press and fame of being a best-seling author. I don't think that's unusual, but I do think there are writers out there who dream of such fame, and would love to walk the red carpet, get interviewed on major talk shows, etc. If you think about it, though, aren't most writers introverts? I know I am. Yes, a writer wants recognition for their work. But deep down, writers just want to write. And many of us began our love of writing because of our love for reading. It's hard to read and talk to folks at the same time, hence the introvert tendency!

But I'm being sterotypical. I know there are plenty of writers who are extroverts, and who love the social side of it.

What type are you? Do you dream of making it big someday so that you can attend book signings and premiers? Or do you just want to be able to write without any interruptions?

Happy Friday!


  1. I'm sure that the majority of aspiring writers simply want to be published. They want to know that what they do is worthy. They want to be appreciated.

    Perfectly normal; we all want that, whatever we do.

  2. I think the whole bestselling status would be a nightmare for me personally. Not that I will ever have to find out. I'm excited about readers who are willing to pay money for my books, but not sure I'd do well if there were millions and millions of them. Dollars yes but then there's all the stuff that goes with that kind of success.

    1. It would be a good problem to have, in so many ways! But, I know what you mean, having to deal with fame in the midst of trying to write would be difficult. We're always trying to grow in our craft--that takes time. We're always trying to read and stay current--that takes time. And then add being a mom or dad . . . I'm someone who needs a lot of 'think time' with my writing.

      Not sure how I'd deal with social demands and fan letters. But again . . . a nice problem to have.

  3. I'm a quite shy person but if someone publishes my books, I promise to change :-P

  4. I think I'm like you, Amy. I'm one of the writers who loves writing and just wants to write.

    1. And you're a beautiful writer, Molly. I would hate your perspective on the world change.

  5. I definitely want my books to be bestsellers but I also want great reviews to go with those sales. As for attending red carpet events or being interviewed the only place I'd like to be interviewed is on Fresh Air. That would make me pretty frakking happy.

  6. Fame is a double edge sword. I don't think many people know how to deal with it, and 15 minutes of fame is not worth all the problems it can cause. However being appreciated and knowing you did your best at what you do, well, what does that commercial say, Priceless.

  7. I wrote this ages ago, but it seems relevant to your discussion here:


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