Friday, April 13, 2012


I imagine one day after THE SOUL SEEKERS has been published, I'll receive random fan letters or email messages. I'm hoping all of them will be complimentary, but reality says a few stinkers will work their way into the mailbag. Things like:

Dear Ms. Saia,
What the h*ll were you thinking when you made Emma tell William not to (SPOILER) in chapter five?


Dear Ms. Saia,
I really love Jesse. But you messed up big time when you had him drive his car into the (SPOILER). I was so mad after reading that, that I kicked my bedroom door in and Mom came upstairs and started yelling at me. Now I'm grounded and all I have to keep busy is read your stupid book. But I do love Jesse. He's hot.


Dear Ms. Saia,
Where the (expletive) is Edward?!


Dear Amy,
Why is Emma the only who can see William? Is she, like, psychic or something? It's making me nuts! Oh, I just read a few chapters in. Duh. Thanks!

Dear. Ms. Saia, Is there a sequel? I can't read this book unless I know there will be a sequel! Hurry and reply, I'm at Barnes and Noble RIGHT NOW.

Yes, I expect to get a good mixture of letters. But it's better to get some than none. I'll be glad to know people are actively reading--end of story.


  1. The most important part of writing is being read. I'm sure you'll get lots of random mail.

    1. I hope. And yes, I'm proud to be a part of literacy. It might save the world (not me, books in general).

  2. I have read that many artists do not read their reviews or letters because it can be too hurtful. I would be one of those people.

    1. There's a lot of talk lately about not responding to reviews, good or bad. There have been some unfortunate incidents with authors losing it over a negative review. Any review is a good review, IMO. But you're right, the best thing to do is not read them because when it comes down to it, reviews are for those interested in buying a book, not the author.

  3. Dear Ms Saia - I enjoyed proof reading your book very much xx

    1. : D It was a blessing you did. It helped recover a lot of missing confidence xx

  4. Dear Ms Saia, When will those Soul Seekers be translated into French?

  5. hehe, yep, I agree, if you've moved a reader enough for them to write you an email, then it's a win!

  6. Hearing about the horrible weather that has hit the middle of the country, I thought of you. Hopefully, you are not in any danger.

    P.S. I mentioned you in a post I did last week.

    1. I'll look right now! I've been caught up with the kids and working on a new novel.

  7. Dear Miss Saia,

    I adore Jesse!

    Your fan,


  8. Dear Miss Saia,
    It will be so cool to get letters and emails about your book.
    Even the grumpy ones.

  9. hahaha this post made me laugh :)

    at least you have a sense of humor about what might be coming!


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