Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Death and Doom and Kittens

Last week the world breathed a sigh of relief when an extended Mayan calendar was found, this time with no hint of our demise in just a few short months. But the same day I read that, someone on Facebook posted a story saying a Mayan skull had fallen down in a laboratory, meaning we were all going to die again. As long as my book comes out before the Apocalypse, I'm good.

School's almost out, although Liam has a social group two mornings a week in June, and Julia has summer reading classes four days a week. So, I still have to get them up and ready just the same as always. Bummer. I was kind of looking forward to taking it easy for awhile. Darn education!!! Just kidding, I'm glad they are getting this educational advantage. We can still go to the pool and library and park in the afternoon. 

Grape's babies are now four weeks old. They look like real kittens; all fluffy and meowing. Coco has already tried to get out of the box, so I taped in a cardboard panel. But as she grows the panel, for her, keeps getting lower, haha. This weekend I sat and watched as Grape guarded the box by laying in front of it. Anytime Coco tried to get out, Grape would bat her in the head and knock her back into the box. Oh! So rough! And we talk about spanking. Grape is one tough Mama. Poor Coco though, she doesn't get it. She's determined to get out and find out what this life stuff is all about. 

Hopefully she has past December 21 to learn. 


  1. That would be the kitten for me...precocious, adventurous, a little hell raiser.

  2. My sister is a Jehovah's Witness, so every few weeks heralds the end of the world for her. The rest of us just muddle along, batting our kittens back into the box every time they take a peek at the real world.

    1. Yep. And there isn't much we can do if it really goes down, except I'll be really pissed off if this is my last summer and I don't have a 1972 Camaro yet.

  3. Dear Amy, . . . although I'm a true lover of felines, I've never had the joy of a cat with whom I lived birthing a litter. The first cat--Dulcy--miscarried. And ever after, because I let the cats roam in those early years of learning how to best befriend a cat, I had them spayed or neutered so as not to add to a pet population that leads many to unkind acts.

    I loved reading this story of Grape and Coco. Thank you. Peace.

    1. You're right Dee, the proper thing would have been to get her spayed. I was naive about the whole thing. I thought since she was mainly an indoor cat that everything would be fine. Wrong.

      Peace to you too, and thank you for stopping by!

  4. I'm for the theory those that Mayan calendar maker just ran out of space. Bad day at the carving block. That kind of stuff. As Tom might say, it all turned into pears.

  5. Every year some crackpot or crackpot religion says that the end is coming. Me, I'd rather think about kittens.

  6. Predicting the future is IMPOSSIBLE. It doesn't matter if your Mayan, a Monkey, or from the Moon. Take no notice!


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