Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rambling On

This week was a lot of running around with the kids' summer classes, cousins coming over, trips to the lake, park and any other good weather activities you can think of. I haven't read much and I haven't written much, but it does take me a while to get used to new schedules, and I imagine things will right themselves soon enough.

I was reading The news out in Hutchinson, Kansas this morning and saw there's a new Bio out on David Hockney. It's one of two parts, ending in 1975. Should be interesting. I don't know why I love Hockney so much, but I'm absolutely obsessed with him. I guess I need a mentor sometimes, and he's the current object of my fascination. Well, I mean, I love his art. I love the way he uses colors and space. It gets to my psychedelic pleasure center, but I also just love him in a kindred spirit kind of way. Anyway, enough of that.

There was another article in the same paper about a local artist with fiber art. I thought her work was kind of cool. You may feel otherwise.

And then in the same paper, this little story about a landscape painter. What I loved was that his work is being displayed in different areas of the bank: in the main lobby, one near the alley entrance, others are hung in upper stairwells. I imagined people wandering all over the bank. This is the kind of thing I love: dispersed art, with small town people wandering around looking confused. There's art in all the confusion.

But I'm stuck here and probably always will be. Have a happy Saturday.


  1. It's amazing that you ever find time to write and read with kids around. I love the story of the landscape paintings in the bank. And I like David Hockney's art too. You are right about the way he uses space and color.

  2. I'm a fan of David's, and he rather liked my stuff too, that makes him double extra-special (in my view). I don't think we'd get on so well nowadays, he seems to have changed a lot; but we did last meet in about 1970!!

    1. I love that you've met David AND that he liked your work! It will be interesting to read about the time period in the book when you two were in the same circles.

    2. The last time we met he was working on a picture of two people sitting on a park bench, with their backs to the viewer. I've never seen the finished job.

  3. I'd not heard of David Hockney until you mentioned him so looked him up On Google. His pictures are defined and vivid. I think I quite like them. You're right Amy - there is art in confusion. When you say you're stuck there and always will be - don't you believe it young Amy - you're gong to fly, I know it and you know it. I believe in you xxxx

    1. I hope so Molly. I love Kansas, and heck, I'd be happy just to travel around here. Someday. Thank youxxxx

  4. Dear Amy, thanks for linking us to the article. I liked the fiber art as well as the landscape, which reminded me of living on the farm many years ago.

    A blogger I follow often shows photographs as the sculptures on the sidewalks of New Zealand and Australia. Here's one posting you might like of hers:


  5. I really like the landscape art. I'm not familiar with David Hockney; I'll have to check him out. Hope you had a great weekend! :)

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