Saturday, July 14, 2012

Another advance review for The Soul Seekers

Another review is in, and it's making me smile so BIG. Whitney Boyd, author of Tanned, Toned, and Totally Faking It has written a wonderful review of The Soul Seekers. Hop on over if you can. She's a total doll, and I absolutely loved her book. It's a huge honor to have her praising mine. Thank you, Whitney!

And since it's Saturday, I'll post a fun video that's been cracking me up all week.


I think I've seen these things!!  They look rather dangerous, but I have to admit, I'd die to see a real mutton chop like these guys are sporting. The Hair Wiz, you need one! The cutting blade is exactly the right distance from the scalp. Buy one today! Only, $2.98!!


  1. Ah, the '70s. Today it would be $19.98 + shipping and handling, but wait, if you call in the next 15 minutes, we will send you another Hair Wiz to give to a friend. Additional shipping charge of $19.99 will apply.

    Another great review, how wonderful for you Amy. I know this book willl sel, sell, sell.

    1. Wouldn't that be nice? Then I could buy one of these combs. Harhar.

  2. I'll have two please! Has Mr Spielberg called you yet?

    1. Not just yet. Still waiting . . . Any minute now.

  3. I read both reviews and I'm so happy for you. It must be so exciting as the date approaches.

    1. It is. At first I was really nervous, but now it's great fun to hear others' opinion on the book.

  4. Best wishes on your book. And thanks for posting the vid. I remember cringing at that commercial. Always thought they should enclose a bit of glue for reattaching ears.

  5. congrats on all the great news - so exciting!

  6. Dear Amy, what wonderful reviews of your forthcoming book. I'm happy for you. This must be such an exciting time as the book that you've imagined and then conceived and then wrote and revised and polished is going to be available for all of us to read. Congratulations.


On Disney + 'Let it Be' is released once more for Beatles fans old and new

What’s there to say about the new release of the old ‘Let it Be’ originally directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg with enhancements by Peter Jack...