Friday, July 27, 2012

The Olympics and another Super stop on The Soul Seekers Blog Tour

The Summer Olympics start today and I'm so excited! Michael Phelps is who I'll be watching the most because I want to see if he can break some new records, but I also love to see the track and field events. It's the only time you get to see the ancient Games in action, things like the discus throw, the long jump and the javelin throw, etc. That javelin thing though, that must be the most dangerous referee job ever! I mean, they stand mere inches away from the landing spot and run right over to check where it lands. Yowza. You couldn't pay me to do that.

Yesterday I woke up to the lovely news that The Soul Seekers was available for Kindle on Amazon, then later in the day, available for Nook at Barnes & Noble. For me, it's like getting a gold metal. I know some people are waiting for the print version (actually, I am too!) and that still releases on August 7. You can pre-order for a discount at WiDo if you like. 

And for fun I am guest blogging over with the prolific, lovely, glowing Talli Roland, author of The Hating Game and Build a Man. Today I'm talking about the man from Metropolis—you know, the one who wears tights and a cape on a daily basis. That's right . . . the one and only Superman. A huge thanks to Talli for letting me take over her blog for the day! Click here to join the fun. 

Have a great Friday! Stay cool out there. 


  1. The only person I'm really rooting for is Goldie Sayer; javelin thrower. She is the daughter of late-singer Pete Sayer, and she also went to my old school. SO GO GOLDIE!!!

  2. I'm looking forward to the Olympics, too. I especially love swimming, gymnastics, diving, basketball and soccer. But I really keep the coverage on all day and night if I can because there's always a good story to catch. :) Congrats on The Souls Seekers!

    1. Thank you, Melissa. I forgot about the gymnastics--I love those too.

  3. I'm looking forward to the Olympics too. I have no favorite this time, but I'm always checking out the Swedes. Of course, the Winter Olympics is more their thing, but still. As I'm getting to know you better, I'm getting excited about the book release.

  4. I'm curious to see if Michael Phelps sleeping in a hyperbolic chamber gives him the edge. I don't care if he wins or not; I'm sure the news will keep me informed. Training with a twist. I wonder what the ancient Greeks used for performance enhancement.

  5. I love watching the track and field competitions. Good luck with your book.


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