Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Rain

Not so good at this blogging thing lately. You guys are all doing great though! It takes me awhile to get used to a new schedule, so I'll keep trying to write something every day so that I can get a pattern going.

The remnants of hurricane Isaac have reached us here in north eastern Kansas, but with a slow, gentle rain, and much needed. Cloudy days are good writing days, don't you think?  I find that, even though cloudy days put me in a sad mood, the rain contributes to a feeling of being stuck inside, Jane Austen style. Can't go anywhere? Well then, might as well stay in and write.

Pretty far along on writing the sequel to The Soul Seekers. I already had a partial draft a couple of years ago, but things change, and after much reevaluating the plotting feels much improved. I even know exactly how the ending is going to play out and am dying to get there! But darnitt, I will not write the thing ahead of time! Some people can write scenes out of order, but I'm not one of them.

I read a bit of good news today about Miss Jessica Bell. Her book String Bridge, which had been taken off the market due to its publisher going under, has just been picked up by eMergent Publishing. Congratulations Jessica! That is spectacular news and you are an amazing person!! I've never seen someone fight so hard for their work.

Also, Karen Gowen unveiled her new novel Lighting Candles in the Snow. It's gorgeous. Congratulations, Karen!

A happy weekend to everyone!


  1. When I'm reading, I often read the last page first before starting on the book. Glad hurricane Isaac is drifting away. Promise that I'll hang fire when your sequel comes out and start at the beginning.
    well done both Jessica and Karen

    1. Oh Molly, tsk tsk. : 0 Haha, I used to do that too. I won't allow myself now, but it did prepare me for some wild story lines back in the day. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't. With mine it does. Okay, here's a public announcement for the other folks: No peeking at the back of my book!! Or else.

  2. Once I know how my book will end, I'm halfway to the finish line. And thanks for the shout out, Amy!

    1. You're welcome : ) Yeah, I am super excited to do the ending, but I've just reached the second part of the book. Everything changes and the thought scares me a little bit. I think today will be a great brainstorming, plotting day.

  3. Yes, I also like to have one or two days of rain a week. It helps my thinking process, at least, I think it does, but who knows in my state in life.

    I read your book on my flight to CA a week and a half ago and I really enjoyed it. I will write a review on Amazon next week. I have given the book to my 13 year old granddaughter who I know will love it. There are so few books that I can do that with and yours is sweet, romantic and has all the things that the market is looking for. She will read it quickly and not put it down till she is finished. You should be so proud of your accomplishment.

    1. That's great! I was hoping people would pass the book around, and I've heard a few people mention doing it so—yay. I love it. My mom and I used to share books and then talk about what we liked, didn't like, etc.

  4. We've had some rain here now too. Personally I detest the idea of being confined to indoors; I feel like a caged lion. My congratulations also to Jessica and Karen.

    1. I know what you mean. Even with this horrible drought, I'm getting antsy after just a day of steady rain. But I've told myself to shut up and take it (it being a nice glass of wine)

  5. Wow! Thanks so much for the shout out, Amy! :) You're so sweet.

    I can't write out of order either. If I think of something that needs to be written further on chronologically, I just make a little note so I don't forget. Something just feels SO WRONG writing it ahead of time, don't you think?

    1. Yes. It also feels a bit like cheating, which it isn't at all. I just need something to bait myself to the end or I won't have any motivation.

  6. Dear Amy, I so enjoy and like and appreciate your enthusiasm for the good things that happen to other people. You are caught up in the Holy Oneness of All Creation of which we are all a part. Peace.


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