Wednesday, August 1, 2012

They're Here!

Look what showed up on my front porch yesterday! It's not a very good picture, but there was a lot going on when I snapped the shutter (electronic, so . . . yeah, no actual shutter) (sometimes I make a clicking sound with my tongue when I take pictures). Ain't they pretty? They're very shiny and have a cool 'new' smell. The kids ooh and ached, and Julia sat down on the couch to read a few pages.

I wasn't sure when they would arrive, so I held off on setting up any giveaways during the blog tour. But now they're here. So . . . I'm going to do a giveaway. I'm not sure what it will be exactly, but I'll make it fun. Okay, not the kind of fun you guys like to have. That kind of fun will buy me a ticket to jail. I'm thinking . . . legal fun. Okay, boring fun. I have to go drink coffee and think . . .


  1. August 1st 2012...... a date you'll always remember!

  2. Amy, this is so EXCITING! Congratulations!

  3. Thank you! I have to keep the kids from touching them with Jello hands.

  4. Whoop whoop! Isn't that a wonderful feeling? Enjoy!

  5. Congrats! It's so exiting to actually hold your own book. You should keep a copy for yourself too.

    1. Thanks, Angelina. I probably will. They're so pretty : )

  6. Oh wow. Brilliant, brilliant!!

  7. Congrats on getting your big box of gifts! It's better than Christmas. :)


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