Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Another post about my girl

Julia is quite the artist, as I'm sure I've told you more than once! I remember when she was three, I drew a jack-o-lantern pumpkin for her and then watched as she replicated it almost perfectly. This, before any art instruction, and also before she could write her name. I realized she was taking in the world, but was trapped with all the information without a filter to release it. After that I sat and watched her go through hour-long sessions, whole stacks of paper spent. She was voracious. Imagine a tiny, plump-cheeked little girl with back hunched over stacks of paper, pencil in hand, drawing like a possessed person. She couldn't speak, so she drew.

Her art is not perfect; she knows she wants to be an artist, but she doesn't seem too concerned with following any scholarly standards at this point. She is just happy to draw what she likes, and that is good enough for me.

Her favorite subjects are My Little Pony, mermaids, and anything beautiful and girly.

The above is computer art with a bit of cheating involved. The cloud and star stamps are added from a program, but the rest is all Julia's work.

This is her own version of a My Little Pony, but made into Rapunzel. 

And this is another pony. Not sure which, but I love how long and creepy the body is. 


  1. The last drawing is so graceful. That step, while looking behind. Just beautiful. But then with such a talented mom, I'm not surprised.

  2. Looks like she's got some talent for sure.

    1. Personally, I think she's copying from me, but in much better form. It's a good thing I'm not jealous.

  3. Wonderful work. I hate to admit, but we sound very similar; as a child my head was permanently stuck into sketch books too.

    Still, if she follows the same path as me, she'll end up rich, famous, and always in demand (ahem!). Please say 'Hi' from a famous artist in France (ahem again!)

    1. I can only hope she'll meet a similar fate. Gotta keep a steady supply of pencils and paper in the house.

  4. I love seeing what they come up with! I was always drawing and making things out of paper and it makes me happy to see Roz doing the same. She will spend entire days drawing! While watching cartoons. :)

    Those ponies are wonderful. Great style. How old is she?

    1. Thank you! She's seven. The funny thing is, she's very messy with coloring books. She's out of the lines‚ just all over the place. Then she'll sit down and pull something out like the above.

  5. She certainly gets her talent from her mom. Drawing is such a wonderful outlet for one to express themselves. Her artwork is wonderful!

    1. Thank you—and yes, I'm glad she has a calm way to express herself. The rest of the time she's quite hyper.

  6. Julia's such an amazing, beautiful, talented little girl. She's captured everything in her 'My Little Pony' pictures. Amy - 'Watch This Space', she'll fly.

    1. Thank you, Molly. She wants to go to the KC Art Institute some day. I hope I can help her make that happen.

  7. Dear Amy, in one of your responses to a comment, you said that Julie is seven now. She seems truly quite gifted in art. I do hope that, as you mention in your response to Molly's comment, you will be able to help her go to the KC Art Institute some day. It's a fine place with a great reputation. Peace.


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