Thursday, November 1, 2012


I'm really thinking I should do this NaNoWriMo thing. I obviously need something to distract me from the real world! Anyone else participating and what kind of book are you thinking of writing? I have a YA contemporary that I started earlier this year but put aside because . . . sigh . . . life. I really like the story and think it could be something worth writing.


  1. Oh, you should! Even if you don't "win" it's a lot of fun. This is the second year I'm participating. I didn't win last year, and I don't plan to win this year--I'm just trying to finish the first draft of a WIP that got set aside for way too long.

    1. Yeah, me too. I hope to catch some of the competitive fever this year. Best of luck on your WIP!

  2. I'm trying it. I dug up an old page and a half from years ago. No idea what will come of it.


On Disney + 'Let it Be' is released once more for Beatles fans old and new

What’s there to say about the new release of the old ‘Let it Be’ originally directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg with enhancements by Peter Jack...