Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Leaving . . on roller skates?

Last night Julia had a girl scout event at a local roller skating rink. First I was moaning and complaining because I didn't want to drive around on a Monday night. But she really, really wanted to go, so we ate a quick dinner and headed off. Turns out almost every troop from the county was there—we're talkin' a whole bunch of pre-teen girls in the same building all at one time. Good lord was it packed. Julia is such a go-getter though. She got those skates on and went right out to the rink. Nothing stops her.

So here's something she's been talking about lately that has me out of sorts, she's been saying very matter-of-fact that as soon as she grows up she's going move to California to live near the beach. It makes my heart heavy. I can't help thinking how I'm gonna go through all the sweat and financial ruin of raising her all these years and then she's just gonna up and leave? How do you like that? But then I'm also like, well, you can't stop life. You just can't. Of course, she told me that I can always move out there with her, but I told her I was Kansas through and through. A prairie is an ocean to someone like me. I like my big sky that goes on forever, and I like our seasons, and I even like our stupid old tornadoes. Take me away from all that and I'm useless. But then, Steinbeck lived in California, right? I could dig traveling around all those old haunts of his. I don't know.

Anyway, this topic is making me sad. Here's a cat in a box to lighten things up.


  1. Love those big dreams; don't you. They change in a flash. Or a car conversation.
    I left the eleven year old at a class outing at a fun place last year. Time to pick her up, I squeezed in, backed up to the wall and waited. Pandemonium. Swirling children. I figured she wouldn't leave without me, and when we were down to the last hundred kids, I spotted her and her friend, buying precious objects with their last tokens.

  2. Dreams are good and everyone should have them. Don't worry though, she will change her mind many times before she is grown and Kansas might suit her fine by then.

    1. Part of me hopes so, and the other part hopes she never stops pursuing her dreams.

  3. I once told my mother that I would buy her a Mink coat from my very first wage packet; I didn't. Maybe she won't move to California either.

    1. You never know. Btw, doesn't mink seem like such an archaic thing now? When I see them in films they always seem to make a woman look older than her actual age. Glad it's a trend that's gone to the wayside. But how sweet of you to want to do that for your mother! Love that.

  4. Your blog is outrageous! I mean, I've never been so entertained by anything in my life! Your videos are perfect for this. I mean, how did you manage to find something that matches your style of writing so well? I'm really happy I started reading this today. You've got a follower in me for sure!

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  5. Thank you. I'm rechecking my blog to see if it's as exciting as you say. Nope. I'm bored. : ) But thank you again. Much appreciated.

  6. Nothing like cat in a box to make one feel good. Our cat would try to squeeze into even the smallest of boxes, crazy thing.


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