Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year—2014

So here we go again. Did you accomplish everything you wanted in 2013? Did it sneak up and flip you on your back? It did me a little bit. I'd say the first half was horrible in some ways, the midsection got better, then great, then okay, then bad, then back to being just okay. Summer was beautiful. I loved every second of it. I wrote a lot, read a lot, hung out with the kids and just lived and breathed a wonderful, happy existence. In the fall I felt the anxiety comeback, but found a way to deal with it through meditation, yoga, positive thinking and lots and lots of walks with Henry.

~the best friend a person could ever have. faithful to the core. a gentle spirit and a heart of gold~

The ball will drop tonight--er, haha. That always sound so sick. Well, if it's gonna drop, it's gonna drop.  So, anyway, we move into a year with an even number, which is always a good thing in my book.  I think after a year of lessons, we all need a year of joy and happiness. Bring it on!!! 

I'll be working on the sequel to The Soul Seekers, and numerous other projects, too many to list here. And I'm super happy about that! I like to keep busy, and I like routine. So bring it all on!!

May 2014 be blessed for you and yours. We'll get through these snowy months that bring us into despair. And in the spring we'll plant our gardens and bask in the sun. Through it all we'll have great hope and spirits. Take care, everyone, and thank you for being your kind and beautiful selves this year. 




  1. 2013 has been a bit of a roller coaster here too, but we made it through. Happy New Year dear Amy to you, Miss Julia and Master Liam too. May 2014 be everything you want it to be xx

    1. The same to you you, Miss Molly x 1,000,000 : ) Lotsa love and light and good times!

  2. Getting your second book published will surly make 2014 a very good year for you, Amy. Keep looking forward.

  3. Our snow has yet to arrive. If it does, it will arrive either this month or next, so I'm doing a lot of finger crossing. Like you, I'm so looking forward to working in the garden and basking in (warm) sunshine. Very best wishes to you and the kids, and may your aspirations prove fruitful. Cro x.

    1. Thank you, Cro. In this part of Kansas we've had moderate snow, some last night actually, but not much. I know you don't like the white stuff, but need it for your garden. Crossing fingers for you!

  4. Happy New Year, Amy! Here's to an awesome 2014.

    1. And the same to you, Karen! Many blessings in 2014!


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