Thursday, March 20, 2014

The First Day of Spring

Here I am again. Today was the first day of spring and oh so nice, but you know that cold wind's gonna blow. It always does. The kids and I got outside and played in the sprinkler because it was that warm. Then they laid out on blankets and soaked up the sun while I listened to music and read. Great day. I thought these photos of Julia and Liam were striking. I didn't pose anyone or give any directions. And I, yeah, I threw a picture in of me too. My hair is back to rock and roll color. Rock and roll, baby.  Forever. Summer's coming.


  1. You all look great, even the brown furry kid with the big rubber nose. Spring is here!

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's nice winter is finally ending. What a long run it was!

  2. The first and last pictures are classics, and even old big nose looks good. It's hot here too; wonderful isn't it.

    1. Henry was bark-talking to me because I'd run out of carrots for him. We have a weird thingy where I get a handful of baby carrots, take a bite for myself, throw one, he chases it in the yard, eats it, then comes back. He's a funny boy. Glad it's warm there where you are. Winter was brutal!

  3. Replies
    1. Right now it's anything above freezing! Wish it would last.

  4. Just typing the word spring is great. Your family pictures are awesome, Amy. Enjoy the sun and bask in all it's glory. I am going to try to do the same no matter what the weather people are saying about next week. Damn them!

    1. Thank you, and you enjoy the break too. Yes, damn them and this oncoming cold front! It knows what it can do with itself.

  5. Somewhere it's spring. It's not a fantasy. Sweet pictures of capturing the fleeting weather.

    1. Still afraid to plant anything yet. Should have started the cold hardy plants, but haven't and it's still so dry here. Glad you like the pictures!

  6. Amazing to be in swimsuits on the first day of spring! Before too long we'll all be happily basking in summer sunshine! Lovely, happy children :o)

    1. Thank you, and yes, it is amazing. Today it's cloudy and a little cooler. Impossible to think it was so nice yesterday.


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