Saturday, January 31, 2015

City of Love

By David Monniaux (Own work) [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 2.0 fr (], via Wikimedia Commons

I'm getting excited about the coming edits for The Love Seekers. Now let's admit it, edits are never fun, but I miss this book so much. Not sure if it's the characters, or the places Emma goes that I miss, but I am totally ready to jump back into action. Ask me in three weeks, and I might have a different story to tell.

When I began the first draft it wasn't a concrete idea to have Emma go to Paris, but then it is the city of love after all. I spent a lot of time on the internet watching videos and looking up maps and locations before writing that whole section. It did overwhelm me, to be honest. I thought, there's no way in hell I can effectively carry this off—I've never been to Paris! I've never even left the country! But something compelled me. There is French lineage in my family and I guess it's gonna come out, regardless of where a person grows up.

And now . . . I want to visit Paris. Things are in a state of unrest at the moment for them, and I have no money (what's new!), but someday it will happen. I've always loved Montmartre and all the characters who lived there. I want to kick it like La Goulue and Jane Avril in front of the Moulin Rouge, hehe. And I have some long legs, so watch out! Anyway, I'll keep dreaming and someday I'll get there.

For now, I get to do it through writing and editing. I get to be Emma and live in a small apartment in Montmartre. I get to buy 'shit art' and meet a young French man who'll compare me to the Statue of Liberty. It's a nice way to pass the time . . .

Hope all my friends here are safe and warm today. Thanks for reading!

Peace & Love to you!


  1. I am sure that one day your dream will come true, Amy. And I am absolutely sure, it will not let you down and it will be well worth your wait! Tonight with my glass of white wine I will make a special toast to you and your dream...

  2. Dans quelque ville que vous le trouvez, ce est la ville de l'amour.

    1. Something about a city being love . . . Must brush up on my French!

    2. Sorry, Amy. In what overseas penpals call my "spectacularly American French", I hoped to say any city where you find love is the city of love.

    3. Geo, it's great. I copy/pasted into Google translator and didn't get a proper answer, but the gist of it was that wherever I went there would be love. Nice! Love makes the world go round . . .

  3. I adore Paris, and I'm sure that Paris will adore you. When I was working in London I often used to take a Friday night plane to Paris and return late Sunday. It made my Monday mornings bearable. Bisou Cro x


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