Thursday, January 29, 2015

Let's be honest

I'm going to be honest and admit that it has been painful to see The Time Seekers not get off the ground the way I'd want it to. But . . . I also understand why it didn't, and feel no animosity about the whole deal. Just a slight depression and guilt. It was a hard book to write and maybe it's a hard book to read. My mother loved it, haha. Though she's a tough critic and I do actually take her opinion with high regard. If she liked it and said it was good, then I believe her. Here's what I think happened: the publishing industry is inundated with a gazillion books, and most of them are super high concept, or they have that nice addictive quality that hits a person's 'sweet spot.' The Time Seekers is a quiet, secretive story about a marriage that isn't working, and a friendship that ended too fast, and Time. That kind of stuff doesn't compete well in a fast-paced world. The other explanation is that it sucks. But you know what's funny? I write what I like to read, and I've always loved really obscure books about relationships—the kind of books shoved in the back of a library with dust all over the cover. I can't stand best sellers. They irk me. Maybe I should take a drug for this condition? So. . . there you go.

But I am extremely happy to work on the third book and see it move toward publication. Maybe I can find a little bit of victory here . . . redeem myself. Lordy, lordy, lordy, let's hope it's possible.

So, we had a few awesome days here in Kansas and now it's awful again. I'm listening to Paul Simon and just trying not to be a huge asshole. What are you guys up to?


  1. I loved your book as well Amy. Things don't always happen over night - keep writing xxx

    1. I'm really glad you liked it, Molly! I think the third one will be even better. Thank you so much for the love and support. xxxx

  2. All 'artists' have doubts. Singers, writers, painters, we're all the same. Just have a second glass of wine, and get back to work. Cro x

    1. Wine sounds extremely good right now. Thanks, Cro!

  3. You are a very sensitive and a very good writer, Amy. Publishing is a mysterious business and so much depends on the 'luck' of who is chosen to review the manuscripts
    that are sent to them. I understand how you feel about 'best sellers'! I often look over the lists and wonder 'why'. What is wonderful to hear is that you haven't given up and are learning all the time and are coming out with a third book!

    1. Thanks for your kind comments, TB! I'm glad to be working on the third book too. It's very passionate, in the sense of human emotions and all the crazy stuff of life.


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