Thursday, February 19, 2015


Working on edits. Not working on edits. Slacking. Being a lazy jerk. Pretending. Okay, working. Finding song to help me work. Good song. Song ends. Finding another song. Bathroom break. Play with my dog because he looks bored. Eating something bad. Cleaning counter. High kick in the air. What's on TV? Finding my way back to edits. Day's over. Gotta pick the kids up from school.

How's your day?


  1. Yep, that sounds like a pretty typical day for me. Very funny!

  2. Winter is not a time for a to toy. Bears and people slow down and hibernate.

    1. I agree--we should all hibernate. Starting tonight! (I wish)

  3. An excellent general catalogue of distracting activities. Unfortunately, time and age have deprived me of the "high kick" (and I miss it) and my kids are all over 30 but the other diversions are quite familiar. It's how we're made. Goofing off is part of getting things done.

    1. And I goof off a lot, but I don't seem to be getting anything done, haha.

  4. Time in, time out and putting it all to music sounds good to me - you'll get there xx

  5. LOL. The things we do when we're supposed to be editing. IMO, we just need to enjoy the journey. Your day is a day like most of us have, I suspect.

    1. Hey, glad to see you, Ann! Yep. The above truly describes a writer's day, unfortunately.


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