Friday, August 14, 2015

My little feathered friend

I like to call this my "bird on a hot tar roof." She follows me everywhere. It was a Sunday night in July, and I was sitting in the backyard watching the kids play, when this mourning dove flew onto the roof. A little later in front of me, a white feather floated to the ground. After that, I found feathers everywhere. These last few days when the kids have come home from school I've asked, What did I find today? They say, A feather? Today Henry and I started off for our morning walk and I thought, hmm, wouldn't it be funny if one more showed up? As soon as I said that, I looked down, and there it was. A grey and white feather. 

This dove follows us on our walks. It flies from tree to tree until we arrive back home. Not sure what's going on other than an angel is really watching out for me. That's so beautiful.

I feel like I should give her a name. Any suggestions? 


  1. Amy, why not call her 'Angel'. She's looking down on you xx

  2. How about 'Shadow'. I have a pair here who wait for me every morning when I feed the chickens; they seem to think I'm feeding them too (which of course I am).

    1. Sorry, Cro, Molly won this one. But I love the image of your birdies chillin nearby. You're the birdman!

  3. As he is losing so many feathers, Baldy might be appropriate.

    1. Aw, maybe you're right. Although, not all I find have been dove feathers, but mostly. I'll knit her a sweater for the winter, haha.


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