Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Humble Pie

Well, the impossible happened and there's nothing anyone can say or do to change it. I want to stay positive and hope for the best, but to be honest right now I'm feeling all sorts of crazy emotions, and grief. Like John F. Kennedy has just died. It hurts.

This scene is from one of my favorite movies, and it's exactly what I'm feeling.  I'm Steve Martin, I want reimbursement, and the snarky ticket agent is America. Pardon the language.


  1. Clip pretty much nails it, Amy, but we'll get through this.

    1. Yes, we definitely will. I was as sad and angry about the news as everyone else, but something came over me midday and I felt at peace. I truly believe that feeding into despair is the wrong thing to do. We have to have hope and move forward. Unfortunately, it's hard to say that to people who want to feel rotten and be mad--they take it as acceptance of a certain behavior. I don't like T**mp or anything he stands for, but he's never given me the vibe that he is truly was that macabre, evil, cartoonish man everyone went on about. If anything, we see his weakness and know what we're dealing with. But yeah, I did want Hillary and felt she would have been a wonderful president. Wasn't meant to be. One day, though, and sooner than people think.

    2. Adding: I meant, one day we'll have a female president, lol. Hillary's off to the countryside for some R&R.

    3. I agree with you Amy, I have a more peaceful feeling too. Mostly because I feel with his mental problems, he will eventually be himself and do something stupid and perhaps get impeached!

    4. Yes, I do believe that has a strong chance of happening. His actions must be accounted for.

  2. I've just seen that the Dow is at an all-time high. Keep your fingers crossed, and eat cheesecake.

    1. I stay away from most dairy now so it will have to be non-dairy, lol. Oh how I miss cheesecake!

  3. We're going to be okay. We just have to stay strong and help each other make it through somehow.

    1. Oh and clip made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

    2. I'm happy to hear that! It's been so stressful . . . And I agree with you, we really do have to be strong and help each other through this difficult time. <3 Thank you for stopping in!

  4. Wasn't meant to be. One day, though, and sooner than people think.



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