Friday, December 9, 2016

First Snow

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Thought I'd stop by to say hello, and to share this video I took the other day of our first snow. I noticed Mr. Cardinal sitting all by himself in a tree, but of course we can imagine Mrs. Cardinal was somewhere nearby. I went out later to toss out some sunflower seeds and the next day they had a wonderful feast.

This last week has been bitterly cold. I am NOT looking forward to a long winter of this! The first snow is pretty but after that it's all downhill. So, could someone please buy a house in Hawaii and invite me over for cocktails?


  1. Couldn't get the video, Amy, but I imagined it from your description. The snow is supposed to be coming here on Monday. I am hoping it blows north and we don't have to deal with it this early. I HATE winter.

    1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! My daughter told me she loves winter and so I've tried to stay optimistic and not put shade on her happiness, but it's really hard, lol. I want to hate winter and shove it off a speeding train.

  2. Lovely bird. Still quite mild here, and we are told it will continue to Christmas. Half my family are in Australia, and the other half go in late February. I shall stay in France and suffer our winter, whilst the others enjoy summer.

    1. Here's to a mild winter this year with only a few beautiful snowfalls (before Christmas). Last year spoiled me, it was mild and sunny and not at all like a normal winter.

  3. When I was working in Florida, a Cardinal flew past - the first one I ever saw. I asked someone what are those birds called, and he said, "We call them red birds."

    1. The nice thing about them is they stick around when all the others migrate late fall. I love their mating call--every year a relief spreads over me: no more winter. But their best attribute is that brilliant crimson. So pretty.


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