Thursday, February 18, 2010

Music, life, words and chocolate

I've been busy working on my WIP this week, which is a good thing, but I always feel so bad when I neglect writing a blog, or reading someone else's blog. Can't help the whole guilt thing, I'm a mom.

There's been a lot of revelations revisiting my first book. Having written half of the second, and part of the third, I can tell you the characters are becoming so much more real to me. I understand them completely now; their desires, their quirks. I feel blessed, and stressed but most of all, excited! This rocks! I never want to do things the easy way—ever. The deeper, more difficult road please, so I can learn and grow.

In the background plays Ventura Highway, by America. His words spur my words, his thoughts my thoughts. Then I move to Joni Mitchell and let her play with my brain.

I'm taking a little break today to clean and make cookies, my real-life addiction. Chocolate, chocolate, gooey chocolate.


  1. I forgot everything after you mentioned chocolate cookies.

    Okay, reread post. I’m with you on the guilt part. I feel it is my duty to read the blogs I follow and comment when I can – or I feel guilty like I’m not acknowledging their thoughts. Now, that is just crazy!

    There are days I stay away though and try really hard to get my own writing done and take care of life stuff.

    It’s wonderful you still like your characters and are still learning about them.

  2. Guilty Writers Anonymous, sounds like a new self-help group.

  3. Guilty Blogger here!, Oh the guilt, Amy that's wonderful about your book, Set in the 70s. I lived in the 70s, what an era to grow up in. Wasn't a hippie? However, a misplace athlete. Living at the beach. Fast cars, to economy cars. What a change

  4. Oh my god CHOCOLATE. And it's awesome that you're really getting to know your characters. Good luck! Sounds like you made a lot of progress this week.


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