Thursday, April 29, 2010

Completely Forced Post From Friends Who Are Picture Pushers

Talk about peer pressure! This is all you get peeps. Here's my sweet Henry, up on the cat tower. That's an easel in the corner.
Julia put stickers on the window so that Prince Phillip won't miss our house if he should happen to ride by on that white horse of his.

You see, just a nice little neighborhood outside. No red lights, no cops racing by . . .

Henry wants me to just go and write now. Please.

My front porch. See, now I'm getting generous. Some serious ass kissing must be administered later.

This wreath is home to a family of finches who just came back yesterday after I played piano. I was so happy! It's so much fun to watch them hatch.

And that's it . . . or is it? Mwahahahahahahahahahaha.


  1. Okay, so I cheated and didn't quite show you the full outside. But you can see That I do live somewhere on the planet earth.

  2. That looks like a fine view to me, Amy - even though half of it is blocked out by a cute poochie.

    Google Earth is homing in right now...

  3. Excellent view, though I love your other view as well. Glad to see you have options!

  4. A room with a view! I like the roller blind too. A double garage? One for the 4 by 4, and another for the Ferrari? What else are you keeping from us Amy?

    Bisou, Cro.

  5. hi henry, sez my sheltie pup, kenny :)

  6. How fun to watch the finches hatch right outside your window.


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