Thursday, April 22, 2010


I've run out of words as of late, but that's okay, it happens. Actually, you should know what this blog has meant to me, being a person of little spoken word. I am terribly shy. Yes. I'm one of those people that doesn't chit chat at all, so if you want fun then you have to hand me a drink. I'm terribly romantic and quiet and always thinking about life and how life works. I'm boring.

Okay, I must not be that boring. My friend Renee did one of those stupid quiz's on Facebook and her answer to, "Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?" was Amy Saia. Actually, that's pretty good. Or it means I'm a freak show. Hey, rent me.

But what I am trying to say is, having a blog forces me to produce words. Every day. If I had zero followers (what a term, huh? Like a cult) then I probably would have slagged off already. But you guys make me want to write. Thank you.

It isn't easy, but it is possible. And any little word, for each and every one of us, is an accomplishment. The words on your blogs, the gift of comments you place on mine, they are all amazing. I personally think I have the coolest cult members here on blogspot.

Rock on blogspot beotches!


  1. Aw, thanks Amy! I have to agree with that, of course. For some reason I never pictured you as the shy type. You certainly don't come across that way in words.

    Glad to be one of your cult members!

  2. LOL! Thanks for making me smile today! And if you hand me a drink, O leader, I'm going to make you taste it first.

  3. Wise, very wise. But just as in The Princess Bride, I have built up a resistance to poison and so will defeat you anyway. Just drink the darn wine.

  4. I think I just THINK I'm shy, because it's one of those painful things where I have to really force myself to initiate conversation. Once I get there, I'm a freewheelin', drink slingin' joke tellin' human.

  5. Writing is such a solitary endeavor and blogging connects us to other like minded people. No one on my street, in my neighborhood really understands that side of me.

    they say things like, "didn't you sell that book years ago?" or, "Which publisher will you choose?" (that one always cracks me up)

    It's nice to find people who understand the uniqueness of a writer's journey

  6. Tess- you've been my friend since way back when, mucho love to you. Remember when I had the swine flu and had to drive myself to the hospital with pneumonia and saw a '72 Camaro on the way home and tried to race it? Lol. You were like the only one around to hear about it.

    Cro- You are my hippie rockin' friend!

  7. I like the term "cult followers".

  8. Put your head on the writer's block, Amy, but don't use drink as a crutch anymore than I (or the rest of us) do! (Hic...) X

  9. Amy, the words you didn't run out of on your blog describe yourself and I would imagine each one of us who follow it - certainly me. I can't see myself as being part of a cult - more a free-wheeler, me. Like to consider and weigh things up. I love what you write and I'm glad I found you. Keep blogging!

  10. Yes, that's right - I see myself more as a devotee than a follower. Up until about 3 years ago, I used to snort at least 2 grams of cocaine a week and sometimes a night, but now - thankfully - I don't. The trouble is, I don't go to parties any longer either. Maybe that's what growing old is all about?

  11. No, you're growing beautifully wise.

  12. Tom, I am at a loss for words. I adore you from the bottom of my heart.

  13. Er, I mean . . . who wants to arm wrestle?

  14. To be serious, I do adore you and I love that you just said what you did about yourself. Your honesty touches me.

  15. Molly, thank you. What you wrote in your comment meant a lot to me. I'm so glad to know you!

  16. Someone recently called me "Painfully shy" I had never considered myself a shy person but that's because I stay around only the people that understand my personality. I want to break free and blogger has helped me overcome one of my first fears... putting thoughts out to others (and like you they want my words every day!! lol)

    My second fear is speaking in public, even in front of my own family I get nervous!!! So I soon will be taking classes to overcome it!! Wish me luck!

    We love you Amy!! (See I told you I couldn't stay away!!)

  17. It was your honesty that inspired mine, so all credit to you. I want an arm-wrestle.

  18. Okay. But you have to let me win since this is my blog.

  19. By the way. Tom now does 4 grams a week.

    Isn't EVERYONE shy? Real extroverts are a pain in the rectum!

  20. Har har Cro. I hope you're just kidding. Not really a topic I'd like to joke around with : (

  21. Happy shiny people exist somewhere . . .


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