Friday, June 18, 2010

No judgement

TGIF! This week has had its ups and downs, but I really am enjoying my time with the kids. "Bicycle" by Queen has become our official going to the pool song. When it's over, they all start clapping and then ask for me to hit repeat. They also love "We Are the Champions" and a few others as well so it's a well-balanced glam rock thing I provide.

On the writing front, I worked very hard this week on tightening up both my regular and short synopses. I also revamped my query and feel it's looking pretty darn good. I'm going to re-edit the book this week-end and ask for some Beta help from a few library colleagues. Like I said earlier, there's a reason for everything. So no shame in finding a few mistakes and fixing them.

Also, there's no shame in feeling down once in a while, in failing, in feeling defeated. And there's no crime in finding new avenues to happiness. John Lennon once said, "Whatever gets you through the night, is all right, is all right," or something like that. While I don't agree with doing literally anything, I do think that a path to happiness is paved with freedom, namely, freedom of choice and freedom of expression. So if that's your anything, then go for it. You'll still be loved by me. This is what I hope to teach my children. Especially with Julia having a sensory disorder, there are going to be many rough days ahead for her, something which makes me want to cry on a daily basis. But I will teach her that no matter what, she is loved. And that true success is not being successful, but being able to love yourself at the end of the day. And if you can't, try again tomorrow.

Did any of that make sense? Haha. Ah well, it's Friday and I'm really tired. I'll be up early tomorrow to do edits. Again.



  1. Ooh, you're up late too! Or early : ) Happy Weekend to you Bonnie.

  2. Why not buy yourself a $2 yellow kite. Settle on a tartan blanket with kite tied to your big toe. And read some old copies of MAD magazine. You would return to your book totally refreshed. And the kids would love it too.

    Bisou, Cro.

  3. Cro, that sounds like the plot of some old sixties french movie.

  4. And you're right, I do need a break. And thanks for making me laugh!

  5. Happy weekend, Amy. You're right - there's nothing wrong with feeling down. Take some time and get refreshed or just tackle your MS.

  6. Thank you Talli : ) I hope the revisions are going well. You're almost there!

  7. Amy--It's all part of who you are and what makes your writing voice yours...Feeling distress, pain and disappointment allows you to write about those things.

    Have a great weekend...


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