Sunday, June 6, 2010

Relax. It's Just JOY

This morning was the first in a long while that I felt myself actually being in the scene that I was writing about. It was great. I love it when I get lost in the story! Believe when I say, though, that it was after many days of forcing myself to come up with something—anything at all. A year ago I would have said I was a horrible writer and should just stop, but now I know it's just part of the process, and that writing isn't always going to be easy.

What are everyone's writing goals for the summer? I want to finish this second book, start writing a collection of short stories, get some memoirs published, and keep working on the website for The Soul Seekers—and querying of course.

Here's an early John Lennon recording. Ooooh, such a sexy voice.


  1. That's awesome. There's nothing better than finishing a scene and feeling good about it. For me, I'm trying to finish edits of The Hating Game, sketch out my next novel, and start a new non-fiction book. We'll see how I go with those goals!

  2. Good luck Talli! Sounds like fun : )

  3. Congrats!! There's no better feeling than finishing scenes, books, etc. My goal for this summer is to actually write and not just think about writing. You have to start somewhere and most likely it won't be perfect, and that's my downfall. I want everything to be perfect right away. I'm silly, obviously. :)

  4. I'm the same way in wanting it to be perfect. I think I finally drove myself past the edge and have become grateful for whatever comes, haha. It worked! Well, for now it did.

    You'll do great Kim! I have faith : )

  5. Yay for making progress! It always feels fantastic. I'd like to get some good revisions completed with my WiP Finding Me/Traveler and I would also like to get my first draft at least half done for The Collector, progress is more or less what I'm looking for!

  6. What a great feeling when you finally get to the point where you are immersed in a scene and things start to flow.

  7. What happened to the drummer at 57 seconds? Sounds like a wasp just stung him. Yup great track; shame about you-know-who knitting.

    Bisou, Cro.


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