Friday, July 16, 2010

Busy, Happy

So I have two agents who've asked for partials right now, and I am going to say a million prayers every day for the next however-long-it-takes. I did some slight revisions, and sent them off. Sparkle, partial, sparkle!

In the meantime I am busy learning a load of songs for the show I auditioned for a few weeks ago. The rehearsal schedule is very fast, so there's no time to fiddle around. The song list was sent out the other day and we must be prepared for the first meeting this Sunday afternoon. My main song is Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi. Isn't that cool??!! Now, it could be taken away by some horrible stroke of showbiz fate, but for now I am reveling in the coolness. There are tons of others I have to sing partial leads in and also backup, so it's been rather stressful learning all these damn lyrics in just a few days. Hey, I asked for it! No complaining, Amy!

I'm also a blog contributor to a friend's TV website for the show Big Brother which just started here a week ago. I get paid a little, but mostly it's fun and a good diversion for the summer. And since I'm anonymous, I can say pretty much whatever I like and not have to personally take the heat. I love that.

What's your weekend going to look like? Any plans starting to shape up? Inception looks like a great movie to go see, if you just so happen to be heading out to the movie theaters. Take care and happy writing today!


  1. The gig sounds great. I hope we'll get to see some pix.

    The weekend is looking good. More food, more parties, more fun & games. Life eh?

    Bisou, Cro.

  2. Good luck with the partials! Have a good weekend!

  3. Happy Friday to dear Cro and Bonnie!


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